Hi Alex,
here's an example, showing the changed order of columns from the FST4W decoder and for the upload.
Output from jt9.exe (similar but not identical to ALL.TXT):
utc zero snr dt Hz zero call loc dBm
2130 0 -17 -0.4 1580. 0 R2BM KO85 30 FST4
2130 0 -17 0.1 1440. 0 DK2DB JN48 13 FST4
2130 0 -25 0.1 1527. 0 UA4AAV LO21 30 FST4
2130 0 -27 0.3 1433. 0 DK7FC JN39 7 FST4
2130 0 -34 1.0 1455. 0 R7LP KN96 27 FST4
Spots uploaded to WSPRnet:
date utc zero snr dt MHz call loc dBm drift mode
241228 2130 0 -17 -0.4 0.137580 R2BM KO85 30 0 15
241228 2130 0 -17 0.1 0.137440 DK2DB JN48 13 0 15
241228 2130 0 -25 0.1 0.137527 UA4AAV LO21 30 0 15
241228 2130 0 -27 0.3 0.137433 DK7FC JN39 7 0 15
241228 2130 0 -34 1.0 0.137455 R7LP KN96 27 0 15
In my SpecLab-based decoders, I use a Windows batch script to sort the arguments, which you can probably modify to convert ALL.TXT and upload the spots.txt file:
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9" %%i in (decoded1.txt) do @call :dolinef %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m %%n %%o %%p
set f=%5
set f=%f:~0,4%
set /a f=136000+f
set f=0.%f%
echo %yymmdd% %1 %2 %3 %4 %f% %6 %7 %8 0 15 >>fw15spots.txt
goto :eof
73, Markus (DF6NM)