Interesting. Reports for the reception of FW30 from DL0AO are sent to wsprnet a minute and a half before the end of the program
Yes we have magic powers and can look a little bit into the future ;-)

Magische Fähigkeiten...) Ist es in diesem Fall möglich, den Bericht direkt an das Gehirn des Bedieners zu übermitteln, ohne dabei ?))
Actually the reason is that all decoders for the 2, 5 and 30 minute modes become active at the same time before the full and half hour, causing a large spike in the processor load. So we decided to shorten the 30 minute wav recording to 1690 seconds and start the jt9.exe decoder earlier. Theoretically this compromise sacrifices around 0.2 dB SNR.
Danke, alles ist klar.
Here I find that when the trees are deeply frozen, the antenna becomes more efficient for two reasons: First the loss resistance goes down, allowing more current with the same power. Secondly, there is less shielding of the the elecrtrical fields in the environment, increasing the effective height.
Zum ersten Mal treffe ich eine Person, die meine Beobachtungen zur Abhängigkeit des Stroms in der Antenne von der Temperatur bestätigt. Danke für die Klarstellung, Markus. Ich habe etwas Ähnliches vermutet.
73, Andrey