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Оффлайн R7NT

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #45 : 24 Декабрь 2016, 14:29:35 »
Freq:   137542.000
Code:   8K19A
Symbol:   2.0 s
Len:   8
Time:   1312.0 s (21m 52.0s)
start h:00  h:30
Снизил мощность и запустил маяк на несколько часов - потом в обычный режим перейду OP32-WRSP15

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #46 : 24 Декабрь 2016, 19:06:33 »
с 17:30 EbNaut был при полной моще  и далее традционный multibeacon

Оффлайн EW6X

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #47 : 24 Декабрь 2016, 19:39:19 »
с 17:30 EbNaut был при полной моще  и далее традционный multibeacon
Бьюсь, никак не могу найти пик :(
Попробую 17:30 это МСК? Александр пишите время начала вещания (UTC), лопатил получасовки, а с какого времени ХЗ...
(ex EW6BN)

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #48 : 24 Декабрь 2016, 23:13:38 »
Попробую 17:30 это МСК?
Да т.е. 14:30 UTC

Оффлайн rw3adb

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #49 : 27 Декабрь 2016, 01:21:20 »
Посколь не у всех рассылка рсгб корректно ходит, оставлю у нас тут:

I wrote a non-mathematical introductory article about how
forward error correction works.

There's a lot of material on the web about FEC but most
of it is very technical and tends to concentrate on one or
another particular coding scheme. I couldn't find anything
that demonstrates and really explains in simple terms the
essential principle of it.

So I thought I'd try to write something, perhaps to see if
I can understand it myself.

The article should appeal to anyone who's wondered how 'coding'
a message, which increases its bandwidth and reduces its S/N,
can actually lead to greatly improved communications.


or in pdf format


Whether I've succeeded or not, the reader will have to judge.

Paul Nicholson

Опосля ознакомления со статьёй по диагонали стало наконец-то понятно, откуда они вытащили ему такое ебнаутое название! -)
--_ _ _  _ _ _ --  --_   _   _-_  _--  _ _ _-- _- -_ _ -_ _ _

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #50 : 28 Декабрь 2016, 19:16:26 »
Всем привет, и с наступающим Новым Годом.....
Может ли кто включить TX где то с 16:00 UTC, ну и сколько можно далее.
73!! Василий.

Оффлайн ut7gh

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #51 : 29 Декабрь 2016, 02:04:29 »
22:00 UTC  EbNaut  2  8K19A  Len 5   137505 Hz

Оффлайн rn3aus

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #52 : 29 Декабрь 2016, 21:17:11 »
Поймал DF6NM, а Павла выловить не сумел.
у меня ночью на приеме был подъем уровня шума пару отрезков времени, в котором и потонули еще две передачи Маркуса и Павла..
« Последнее редактирование: 29 Декабрь 2016, 21:19:59 от rn3aus »

Оффлайн EW6X

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #53 : 29 Декабрь 2016, 21:42:16 »
Поймал DF6NM, а Павла выловить не сумел.
Да, Маркус ГРОМКО!
И Павел тоже ГРОМКО!

« Последнее редактирование: 29 Декабрь 2016, 22:03:38 от EW6BN »
(ex EW6BN)

Оффлайн rn3aus

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #54 : 31 Декабрь 2016, 16:51:18 »
Сегодня принял IW4DXW, наблюдая в действии приемную мощь ebnauta.
Ничто на спектрограмме opds не свидетельствовало о наличии сигнала, никаких следов.
Однако глубокий поиск обнаружил правильный декод, который оказался в списке вариантов отнюдь не первым. Ему предшествовали и последовали несколько неправильных, пока работа декодера не завершилась; помогло изучение файла лога, в котором был записан и этот "читабельный" правильный декод.

Riccardo подтвердил:
That's a really FB DECODE, Alex! Sure, the message it's correct, many thanks!
На скриншотах видно, что сигнала не видно :) а он есть!
« Последнее редактирование: 31 Декабрь 2016, 16:53:51 от rn3aus »

Оффлайн EW6X

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #55 : 02 Январь 2017, 09:07:07 »
Маркус тут в рассылке ещё раз описал алгоритм действий по дкодированию, перенесу сюда

Hi Joe, LF,
this should be a step-by-step guide to obtain EbNaut decodes from your .txt files.

If you haven't done already, download the Windows decoder ebnaut-rx.exe (either 32 or 64 bit version) from Paul's website
and my auxiliary utilities from
 http://df6nm.bplaced.net/VLF/fec_tests/df6nm_ebnaut_utilities.zip .
Place the following files into a single directory:
together with your SpecLab data export file(s), e.g.

Next you should edit sr.txt, which will be used by ifft3a to write the correct metadata into the wav file header. It contains four numbers: the audio samplerate, the pre-FFT decimation factor from SpecLab'S FFT settings, the FFT length, and the RF center frequency. Replace the first entry (12000) by your calibrated samplerate. So the file content should now be "11999.7658 48 524288 137500" (without the quotes). Save this file.

Then in Windows Explorer, drag-and-drop 12310712.txt over ebnaut_ifft3a.exe to initiate the file conversion. A console window will blink up shortly and a file 12310712.wav will be written. There will also be a temporary fft.dat file which can be deleted.

Now it's time to start the decoder by double-clicking ebnaut-rx.exe. Fill in the symbol period (2), filename (12310712.wav), and CPUs (1 or 2) fields. We don't yet know the proper values for the start offset and freq offset fields so initially leave them at zero. Press "Run" at the bottom, and then abort the decoder already after a couple of seconds by pressing "Stop" again.

Now under "Signal file", you will find the meta information from the wav header, which is based on sr.txt and the timestamp in the SpecLab data file. Here the file start time is shown as 06:55:17.4 UT. With the knowledge that my transmission started 0.2 seconds after the hour, ie. 07:00:00.2 UT, you can calculate the time difference as 4 min 42.8 sec, or 282.8 s. Enter this value into the start offset field, and run and abort the decoder again.

The decoder has written a file rawsyms.txt, containing the complex amplitudes of the 896 two-second symbols. This can be inspected by doubleclicking on the show_rawsyms3b.exe utility. A window with four graphs will pop up: A symbol-phase and a vector constellation plot at the top, a red spectrum in the middle, and a blue spectrum-of-squares at the bottom. For information, ebnaut-utilities.zip contains an annotated screenshot explaining the meaning of the graphs.

We will now look for your pilot tone in the red spectrum. With 2 s symbols, this spectrum is 1/2 Hz wide, ie. from -0.25 to +0.25 Hz with 50 mHz per box. As the pilot is not far from the center frequency, we indeed find it's ~ 25 dB peak at about 1.8 boxes right of the middle, or +0.09 Hz.

But we need the frequency with better precision, so we will do a few run-stop-showrawsyms iterations to accurately bring it to the middle. The next round using 0.09 Hz as freq offset already brings the peak into the small red zoomed graph on the right. The phase points are gathered around a slightly upwards-sloping trendline. This means that the QRG is almost right but still slightly higher. In this example, the carrier is strong enough that it is also the highest peak in the blue plot, so the frequency readout at the bottom is valid: +0.00058 Hz/2 suggests that we should try 0.00029 Hz higher. Rounding to the nearest 0.1 mHz, we start the decoder again with 0.0903 Hz offset. This produces properly centered peaks and a horizontal trendline for the phase dots, so we hit it right. Let the decoder run a few seconds longer and observe the 13-asterisk "decode" from the pilot carrier.

Using our a-priori knowledge that your DDS pilot is 0.8 mHz below 137500, we know now that the real receiver center frequency was 137500 - 0.0008 - 0.0903 Hz or 0.0911 Hz below 137500 Hz.

Now let's have a go at the real signals! My transmission was exactly on 137490 Hz which should be -10 Hz offset. As your RX is already at -0.0911 Hz, we will enter only -9.9089 Hz freq offset. Run the decoder again - and watch Gizmo's message appear already after a couple of seconds. Show it to Tangles!

This signal is strong enough to show up in the rawsyms plot. Note that the phase dots are now assembled around two lines (0° and 180°), and due to the balance of PSK symbols the red carrier peak has completely vanished. The blue peak could still guide you to the right frequency, but this one will quickly be lost in the noise when the signal is weaker.

If you like you can tweak the offsets very slightly to improve the Eb/N0 result. In case of non-constant phase (e.g. due to propagation), you will sometimes have to let the decoder run through a number of phase combinations until it finally finishes at 25% status.

Now let's try to find Riccardo's 8-character message in your 12310612.txt file. In that file, the pilot is found at 0.0910 Hz and thus the RX center frequency was 0.0918 Hz low. Ric's TX frequency was 137485.0006 Hz, giving -14.9994 + 0.0918 = -14.9068 Hz freq offset. He was starting exactly on the hour without delay, so the time offset is 282.6 s. Let the decoder run through the phase iterations. Hmmm - no result for a long time, then a couple of gibberish answers with high rank numbers showing little significancy. And nothing but noise in the rawsyms plots. Give up?

We know that around sunrise, the ionosphere is pressed downwards, which shortens the path and creates a small positive Doppler shift. So let's try to increase the freq offset very slightly. 200 uHz up to -14.9070 Hz? Yes! The FBDECODE appears after a short while with phase pattern 0 0 30 30 degrees - apparently still with a slight phase slope. Another 200 uHz to -14.9072 Hz brings the message up instantly at flat phase, 180 180 180 180 degrees.

Well that was a long essay...

Want more exercise? I did send another 8-character 2-second message last night Jan 1st, hourly from 01 to 07 UT (plus 0.2 s TX latency). Can you decode it?

All the best,
Markus (DF6NM)
(ex EW6BN)

Оффлайн R7NT

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #56 : 29 Январь 2017, 12:43:10 »
Запустил маяк EbNaut на долго :-) пробуйте принимать
Freq:   137542.00
Code:   8K19A
Symbol:   2.0 s
Len:   8
Time:   1312.0 s (21m 52.0s)
Start:   every h:30
Start:   every h:00

Оффлайн R7NT

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #57 : 29 Январь 2017, 22:03:59 »
Запустил маяк EbNaut на долго :-) пробуйте принимать
последняя передача была с 20:30 MSK

Оффлайн R7NT

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #58 : 01 Февраль 2017, 23:12:39 »
Александр RN3AUS, а чем объяснить разницу в частоте приёма у Маркуса DF6NM (или моей передачи) в OPDS и EbNaut ?
Т.е. у него, например есть неоднократный прием (при незначительном дрейфе у меня)
2017-01-29 02:33:06 R7NT    2060km 137542.002Hz  2mHz -46.1dBOp  93% 18.5dB
а при передачи EbNaut я только опустился на 0.002 Гц ниже, но Маркус приводит частоту уже как 0.008. Если бы я не опускал частоту, то было бы у него 0.01 Гц
Ведь он обрабатывает одни те же файлы OPDS насколько я понимаю
Конечно незначительное различие, но всё же
« Последнее редактирование: 01 Февраль 2017, 23:16:41 от R7NT »

Оффлайн rn3aus

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Re: EbNaut
« Ответ #59 : 02 Февраль 2017, 23:55:28 »
Не могу пока сказать ничего определенного, к сожалению; постараюсь поэкспериментировать, может быть что-то и замечу.