Dear all,
Beta-release v0.9.21.0 of SlowJT9 has been uploaded, see
Main changes:
- Sample rate of the recording device can be selected between 12000 Hz and 48000 Hz (default).
- Help file updated
- Preview decoding added:
If "preview decoding" is selected (Settings -> Mode -> check "Allow preview decoding") SlowJT9 will try to decode incoming signals before the end of the cycle. This will be done after:
30 and 40 seconds for JT9-1
60 and 90 seconds for JT9-2
150, 180, 240 and 270 seconds for JT9-5
300, 360, 420, 480, 540 and 570 seconds for JT9-10
For each received message only the first decode will be shown, in case of a early (preview) decode the shown SNR might be less than the final SNR.
Preview decoding will be performed as a single decode (no multiple decoding). The final decoding however will be performed as multiple decoding, if this option is checked.
- Late TX start added:
If transmitting is enabled a right click on the "Enable TX" button will initiate a "late TX start":
In RX mode or idle mode SlowJT9 will switch to TX instantly and the remaining part of the message will be transmitted
In TX mode the transmitted message will be changed and the remaining part of the new message will be transmitted
It is obvious that a late TX start can have a negative effect of the SNR or the message may be not be decoded at all.
Bug reports, remarks and suggestions are welcome.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T