« : 29 Январь 2025, 07:35:13 »
Прочитал внимательно тему, не совсем понял почему коллеги пишут пару страниц назад, что NB это narrow band, а не noise blanker?
Optional noise blanking is available and has been found effective in handling atmospheric noise on the
LF and MF bands. A spinner control labeled NB nn % is located on the FST4 and FST4W main
window, just below the band-change control. Set this control to a suggested percentage of data
samples to be blanked. We have found that levels in the range 5 – 15% work well in summer
conditions on LF/MF bands, but you will probably want to experiment. Data displayed on the
waterfall and saved to .wav files do not have noise blanking applied, so you can experiment after the
An experimental feature uses negative settings of NB to trigger a “try everything” approach to noise
blanking: -1% causes the decoder to try 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% blanking, and -2% tries 0, 2, 4, …, 20%.
In FST4 mode the trials with nonzero blanking percentages are active only in the frequency range
RxFreq ± FTol. Negative settings of NB can be very effective, but will slow the decoding procedure
by significant amounts."
Таким образом NB например "-1" , это быстрое перебирание вариантов глубины шумопонижения. "-2" еще более экстремальное.
Хочу провести эксперимент, вывезет ли ноутбук 4 копии программы с активированным параметром NB -2.)