Автор Тема: LF setup Chris G4SDG  (Прочитано 3376 раз)

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LF setup Chris G4SDG
« : 11 Январь 2023, 03:21:13 »
Промелькнуло тут в RSGB - решил всё же отдельную тему, а то потеряется в "Сегодня..."

There station here is a GPS locked FT-817 with tone generated from the QRS programme. The 10.136MHz goes into my homebrew transverter/amplifier which was running with 480W DC input producing about 3A of aerial current. The transmit aerial is a squashed "T" with about 100m total horizontal length at an average height of about 15m. For receive I was using a E-Field probe (which isn't great but I don't have any TX/RX switching), a Hermes Lite 2, SparkSDR and Spectran. On this occasion I did watch with the TX antenna, RSP1a, SDRUno and Spectran as well because manual switching isn't too risky with QRSS!     
73 Chris G4SDG

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