Длинноволновики всех стран объединяйтесь!LW-mans of all countries unite!
0 Пользователей и 3 Гостей просматривают эту тему.
У меня глухо.
Цитата: ra3tts алексей от 12 Сентябрь 2020, 19:04:38У меня глухо. аналогично. Приняли вроде 2 человека только, во Франции и Англии. Записи RF сделал, всей передачи.
икто там ничего не принял.
Цитата: rw3adb от 14 Сентябрь 2020, 15:36:19икто там ничего не принял.https://yadi.sk/i/030BG06EulEGTQ
Slightly ahead of Grimeton's message - a quick warmup before the Christmas transmission? ? Last year in Poland we have managed to perform a 14.2 kHz 1st class mobile EM device experiment in the Earth's stratosphere - we were deeply amazed by all support and reports we have received; not everybody was able to provide a successful report, but some of the listeners delivered very important data. However, to make the analysis complete, we are conducting a re-run of the experiment this Saturday (18th December 2021) - employing a digital WSPR transmission mode (with a transmission to decode), with some ameliorations to the equipment. We are looking for any additional reports! More information on our website: https://trcn.pl/stratospheric-experiment-we-invite-you.../ (there is a small error in the date - it should be 18th December, not 12th obviously); contact e-mail: stowarzyszenie@radiostacjababice.org(This Monday the flight was confirmed for inclusion in NOTAM ? )
Main launch window: 12.00 UTC (13.00 GMT+1), spare launch window: 13.00 UTC (14.00 GMT+1); ASAP I'll specify the WSPR mode (today/tomorrow)