Проскочило в РСГБ.
Some details ,
Opera makes best use of cloud computing, being self configuring, the windows app ,
provides , from the basic tx/rx , to web linking to the spots data base
and other users , being ADIF listed , it was the first fully automated qso/qsl beacon system
running the windows app on a web linked pc, harvests spots , or the on line data base may be
viewed [opera links to the psk-map , but the map 'trims its spot numbers , so not 100% record]
[Users of the High speed VARA modem , will recognise the ros house style ]
ON Line data base >>
http://spots.microwavers.es/index.phpDynamic maintenance of the Deep Search List
The windows application , provides , two layers , one , the decoding of the serial data
opera transmission , providing down to -40 dB s/n in 2.4 KHz b/w and the correlation
'pattern matching' second chance detector , providing an additional -5 dB
[more is possible , but the false spot level rises ]
To provide the second function , a list of calls is required , the 'Deep Search List'
web linked from other users or tx beacons , with no web , the list can be manually
edited in the INI file , or populated by local decodes , assuming the incoming
signal is decoded ,
Most importantly for LF ,
opera provides the most efficient use of available bandwidth and deployed energy
the simplistic on/off keying hides the advances in the DSP , providing a B/W of less than 1 Hz , AFC tolerating
upto 5 Hz drift , and as the sync is embedded in the coding , every recovered bit , is self synchronising ,
eliminating wasted power , of less importance on LF is the total immunity to doppler spread
routines in the DSP provided high noise immunity , the long 30 min time line ensures a high % of bit recover
during the long qsb , in effect a recovery of more than 40% , randomly or in blacks along the time line ensures
a detection, this holds for Decode and Detection, enhanced stability, is not required as the system was designed using
standard HAM equipment , requires no more than switching a carrier on/off
And Yes , opera is in contact with the Mother Ship ..or to be more precise the AO-100
geostationary satellite.. A net has been established since the device came on line
These spots listing as 23 cm , [the max the psk-map shows] , are decodes of the op05
-20 dB s/n fast mode , with 2.5 GHx up link and 10GHz down link , powers in the single
watt and mW being used , even some of the most dedicated low band stations , have been
spotted pinging the SAT on 2.5 GHz ... the [D] denoted local off air 10Ghz rx
20:19 1296600 IK1WVQ de PA1SDB Op05 -9 dB F:24% in [D] Appingedam, The Netherlands 1457,0 Hz
20:19 1296600 IK1WVQ de SV8RV-1 Op05 -8 dB F:4% in [D] Zakynthos (Zante) isl. GREECE via OSCAR-100 1453.1 Hz
20:19 1296600 IK1WVQ de .SV8RV-8 Op05 -9 dB F:23%_Ini in [D] Zakynthos(Zante)isl.GREECE 1457.0 Hz
20:19 1296600 SV8RV de PA1SDB Op05 1264 mi -20 dB F:1% in [D] Appingedam, The Netherlands 1367,2 Hz
20:19 1296600 SV8RV de SV8RV-1 Op05 0 mi -18 dB F:0% in [D] Zakynthos (Zante) isl. GREECE via OSCAR-100 1363.3 Hz
20:19 1296600 SV8RV de .SV8RV-8 Op05 0 mi -19 dB F:1% in [D] Zakynthos(Zante)isl.GREECE 1371.1 Hz