Автор Тема: Рекордный приём станции RDL 21.1 kHz в Аргентине  (Прочитано 4646 раз)

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Оффлайн rw3adb

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Александро, LU8YD просил опознать станцию...
Оказалась наша RDL.
К сожалению, не знаю точно с какого передатчика ведут передачи на 21.1 kHz

Unid signal received in South Argentina locator FF51XC in 21.2 KHz FSK DFCW  best signal time 02:30 UTC not H24 Tx
Attach audio filtered and screenshot in my SDR Console + Afedri receiver.
Can anyone help me to identify this VLF station?
Thanks in advance
Alejandro LU8YD

The Russian "RDL" on 21.1 with one of its regular transmissions. The
call sign is used at various transmitter sites on several frequencies
(including 18.1 kHz).

David L. Wilson

Вложения слишком большие, потому выклал на я-диск.

МП3 - запись сигнала:


Картинка СДР консоли:

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Оффлайн rw3adb

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подробности про сетап Alejandro LU8YD:

My setup in Neuquen city locator ff51xc is: receiver SDR Afedri Net
antenna: inverted L ( vertical 24 m) with home made adaptor ( audio
transformer and 300 KHz LPF to block MW broadcast)

the antenna ground is independent of the shack ground.

My VLF log include 29 DX station from AlphaNet in 11.90 KHz to DCF77 in 77.5
KHz and 32 unid station.

I could never receive SAQ

JJY-40 and JJY-60 very strong every day in the morning

With this setup and other LF MF adaptor my log include: 443 NDBs from Canada
to Antartica (N-S) from and Pascua Island to Marruecos (E-W) , near 15 SA
DGPS beacons and near 10 NAVTEX SA station.

I also use Icom R-75 receiver.

I have never been able to receive amateur stations from the northern
hemisphere at 137 KHz. My best reception was LU1DOW
distance 1000 km during the day and night (CW, QRSS and WSPR)

In the 472 KHz band I have received LU1DOW CX8AT CX2DDP and from the
northern hemisphere K5DNL and ZF1EJ (WSPR)

In the near future I will be using a USB sound card as a VLF receiver:
Behringer UMC202HD 24 bits.

73s Alejandro LU8YD
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