Автор Тема: Ebnaut на VLF 8270 Hz & 2970 Hz - 2-way QSO! - Новый эксперимент Стефана DK7FC  (Прочитано 4604 раз)

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Весьма примечательное событие на VLF!
Стефан DK7FC и коллективка DL7NN с мега-антенной провели двухстороннюю связь в Ebnaut!
QRB = 380 km.

Hello LF and VLF group,

Today there was a two-way VLF EbNaut QSO between DK7FC and DL7NN. We
used 8K21A, 1 second/symbol, CRC16 and 20 characters.
The distance is about 380 km (JN39WI to JO60IT (my RX is located in
JN49IK)). The frequency was close to 8270 Hz, the 36 km band. Details

It was inteded just to do a test to prepare for a QSO that should be
done later but the signals were so strong that we were able just to do

My TX power was just about 340 W and i got 2.2 A antenne current on a
1130m ground loop antenna (60 Ohm DC resistance today).

Furthermore there was a carrier on 5170.005 Hz from my side with 2.4 A
antenna current between 10:32 and 10:51 UTC. It was immediately detected
at the other side. Maybe Albrecht can tell more later.

Finally there was a 5 character EbNaut message, 16K23A, CRC16, 2
seconds/symbol starting 12:30 UTC, which was also immediately decoded by

That's a successful day which seems to show that even much lower
frequencies are possible between us.

We're planning another QSO with 100 characters per message :-) But i
need to work on the ability to generate shorter than 1 second symbols
for that...

73, Stefan


 Finally there was a 5 character EbNaut message, 16K23A, CRC16, 2
 seconds/symbol starting 12:30 UTC, which was also immediately decoded
 by Albrecht!

That was on 2970.005 Hz !

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