В Англии запустили очередной воздушный шарик в субботу 28 сен
Летит через всю Европу в нашу сторону - сейчас над Германией
Высота полета около 9000м
Есть на борту маячок весом чуть больше 10г вместе с солнечными батарейками
Передает на:
днем 434.500 MHz, USB, DominoEX 16
ночью 434.498 MHz, USB, DominoEX 16
Нуждаются в digi-мониторинге на 430МГц
Подробности по ссылкам внизу
На картинке по первой ссылке нарисован фиолетовый круг возможного приема маячка
From: "Leo Bodnar" <
To: <
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 7:39 PM
Subject: [UKHAS] Launch announcement, B-14 is flying now
Hello all,
International trackers needed!
Another foil floater balloon has been launched from the UK on Saturday and coming over to continental Europe NOW.
Flight path is taking it at 9000m through
Czech Republic
and further East...
Signal expected to be heard in Belgium, Austria and Romania.
Tracking link:
http://spacenear.us/tracker/?filter=B-14Expected flight path:
http://leobodnar.com/balloons/B-14/NOAA.gifBalloon details:
http://leobodnar.com/balloons/B-14Tracking setup:
Daytime: 434.500 MHz, USB, DominoEX 16
Nighttime*: 434.498 MHz, USB, DominoEX 16, *Due to component failure transmit frequency drifts with temperature around 434.499 +-2kHz
Downlink data contains of two lines of telemetry every 5 minutes during the night and every 1-2 minutes during the daytime. Time between telemetry data is filled with beeps at 3 sec intervals.
Thank you to everybody who has tracked this flight so far, continues tracking or will join in soon!