Автор Тема: New experiments on 17.47 kHz planned...  (Прочитано 3991 раз)

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Оффлайн R1QBI

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New experiments on 17.47 kHz planned...
« : 20 Август 2018, 23:17:54 »
На этой неделе Стефан стартует на передчу на 14,74 кГц.


For this week, i'm planning to start with new experiments on 17.47 kHz, where i have a (renewed) special permission to transmit.
So far the best results were a prooved carrier detection as well as a 1 character EbNaut decode by Edgar from Tasmania (VK7).
The first goal will be to determine the best time (start time and length) on the path for this season. We have a usable path for about 2 months centered on our autun/spring time (21st SEP).
The Signal will be exported by SpecLab to simple txt files containing the FFT data. This allows stacking, which will be required to get some S/N at all. A reasonable stable path is essential during the transmission time. All this will be determined by running some carrier transmissions, a few hours per day, starting about 16 UTC.
When knowing the time to try we will attempt to transfer a 2 character message and then even longer messages. 5 characters would be realistic i think, with some luck and good propagation and low QRN on the RX site...
More soon.

73, Stefan

Граббер 136 кГц/SID https://t.me/SIDgrabber