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Оффлайн R1QBI

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Today i run a carrier transmission on 970.01 Hz. Start time was 08:05 UTC. The carrier run for 3 hours without an interruption. I got 1.9 A antenna current on my ground loop antenna, about 320 W DC input to the PA.
The signal was received on my 3-axis RX on the tree in JN49IK. The distance was, as usual, 55.6 km.

So far the results were disappointing. I expected a strong SNR (at least 10 dB in 424 uHz) from the new E field antenna which seems to perform very well in the complete ULF range. However the analysis of a two hour segment of the carrier showed an SNR of 6 dB, i.e. just noise. However, as i routinely calculated the SNR from the N-S loop i got a surprising SNR of 13.03 dB in 139.5 uHz.
At about 08:40 UTC the reception on the tree was disturbed by its own solar charger, just for a few seconds but that was enough to create a bright vertical line in the 424 uHz spectrogram showing the E field.

Anyway, i just analysed the full 3 hour segment, only from the N-S loop (which actually points rather to 30/210 deg) and got the following result (including processing command line):
vtread -T2018-09-29_08:05,+3h /raw | vtcat -p | vtmix -c0,1,0 | vtfilter -a th=6 -h lp,f=1500,poles=8 | vtblank -a27 -d0.0005 -t100 | vtmult -f970.01 | vtresample -r240 | vtresample -r1 | vtraw -oa | ebnaut -dp8K19A -r1 -c2 -v -f15 -f16 -M'***' -N3 -k20 -S24
carrier phase: -111.2
carrier Eb/N0: 1.9 dB
carrier S/N: 14.25 dB in 93.0 uHz, -26.07 dB in 1Hz, -60.05 dB in 2.5kHz

This is the first far field detection of a 970 Hz signal generated by amateurs on the 309 km band! A true milestone for me. Since more than a year it was my goal to cross that far field border on that band. :-) The efforts were immense.
The result is just preliminary. I want to tweak the parameters for a higher SNR and try to filter out the short QRM from the charger.

So now, why does the E field produce such bad results? At http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/schaefer_vlf/ULF/ULFSLFELF.png you can see what it receives in the range of interest. The day/night QRN difference is higher than on the loops, so the loops seemed to be rather deaf. Does it maybe mean a steep reflexion on the ionosphere, so that the E field antenna doesn't see it, but the loops do?

Later i've done a DC measurement and got 1 A at 86.5 V, quite much this time. Maybe a bad contact somewhere. Will check that.

My 120 Ah LiFePo4 accu is fully recharged and i plan to do a new experiment on monday morning, 3 hours before my solar charger starts to work :-) The SNR seems to be promising, i plan to send a 5 character EbNaut message.

More results and a spectrum peak image will follow.

73, Stefan
« Последнее редактирование: 30 Сентябрь 2018, 07:21:45 от R6LDD »
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Оффлайн rw3adb

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #1 : 02 Октябрь 2018, 16:15:18 »
В этом эксперименте Стефан применял свою земляную антенну.
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Октябрь 2018, 16:18:07 от rw3adb »
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Оффлайн rw3adb

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #2 : 21 Октябрь 2018, 23:10:09 »
ULF: 5 characer message detection at 970 Hz

Hi ULF friends,

Last morning i transmitted a 5 character EbNaut message on the 309 km band.
At 970.1 Hz i run 1.7 A antenna current into my 900 m spaced earth
electrode antenna. The transmission took about 3 hours.
The DC resistance was quite high this time, about 93 Ohm. Anyway i got
about the same antenna current when running about 300 W.
The QRN/QRM was low and just a few days ago i added a shutdown option to
my solar charger. The Raspi can turn it off by switching a GPIO Pin, so
the off-time can be defined into a script which is executed on the day
when the transmissions happens...

Best results were obtained from the E fied on its own! I got an SNR > 17
dB! See the attachment for details. The message is important these days.
It should be copied by a lot more people.

This is the first far field message detection below 1 kHz
generated/received by amateurs.

QRB, as usual, 57.6 km.

73, Stefan

PS: It was a great sunny autumn day, just like today.
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Оффлайн Сергей UB1APE

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #3 : 22 Октябрь 2018, 08:18:00 »
Всё ниже, и ниже, и ниже ....
UB1APE ( RA1ADF) Сергей.

Оффлайн rw3adb

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #4 : 22 Октябрь 2018, 14:28:10 »
Всё ниже, и ниже, и ниже ....

да он там уже давно вроде...
ну, ниже 11 гц пока еще никто не вещал)))
так что есть куда стремиться))
--_ _ _  _ _ _ --  --_   _   _-_  _--  _ _ _-- _- -_ _ -_ _ _

Оффлайн R1QBI

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #5 : 22 Октябрь 2018, 14:58:45 »
ну, ниже 11 гц пока еще никто не вещал)))
так что есть куда стремиться))
Да, Александр AUS на 11.68 вещал, думал ниже.
Есть куда.:)
Граббер 136 кГц/SID https://t.me/SIDgrabber

Оффлайн Сергей UB1APE

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #6 : 22 Октябрь 2018, 23:50:50 »
Так до постоянного тока не далеко ужо. А что? В элементарный диполь вместо генератора переменного тока включить источник постоянного тока, и ... В одном "плече" мало  в другом много... Ну-у если подымать напругу то в конце концов электрончики всё равно найдут (или создадут) дорожку что б  перебраться от туда где их много туда где их мало и будя молния. Это понятно(мне во всяком случае). Но ведь перед тем как будет молния что то ещё наверное произойдет... В пространстве тоже должны быть что что отреагирует на разность потенциалов меж "плечами" ???
Блинн... С детства люблю пофантазировать. хи-хи.   ::)
« Последнее редактирование: 22 Октябрь 2018, 23:52:59 от Сергей RA1ADF »
UB1APE ( RA1ADF) Сергей.

Оффлайн R1QBI

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Re: ULF: The next experiment on 970 Hz - Cracked the far field border below
« Ответ #7 : 23 Октябрь 2018, 00:13:55 »
В пространстве тоже должны быть что что отреагирует на разность потенциалов меж "плечами"
;D Таки и до искорового ELF передатчика добрались. ;D
Ой, от 0 до 3 Герц диапазон не распределен...:)
ELF 3-30 Гц. Все....
Граббер 136 кГц/SID https://t.me/SIDgrabber